Our Latest Adventure!

Our Latest Adventure!

Hello, long lost friends! I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted. I had planned to take a week off posting and here we are 18 months later lol! I’ve had lots of exciting things happen, so let me catch you up. New Addition I got pregnant last Spring and we now have a sweet…

Hello World!

Nice to Meet You (Insert Us Shaking Hands in Your Head)! Hi all! Welcome to a Girl’s Guide to Home DIY. I’m Lauren, a 33 year old nurse practitioner living in Alexandria, Virginia with my husband, Steve, and our mutt Sadie. I’ve fallen in love with making our 1950s brick duplex our own, as a…

Coming this Weekend!

Thanks for checking out A Girl’s Guide to Home DIY! I’m Lauren, a 33 year old nurse practitioner turned amateur DIYer. My husband and I own a small 1950s duplex in Alexandria, Virginia that was in decent shape when we bought it, but definitely needed some love and elbow grease to make it our own….