Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets: Cleaning and Sanding

Hi friends! Last post, I talked about planning out your timeline for painting your kitchen cabinets and gathering alllllllllllll your supplies. If you haven’t read the post, start here so you have everything you need for these next steps. Today, I’m going to talk about what you need to do BEFORE you start– cleaning and…

Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets: Before You Start

Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets: Before You Start

Hi friends! Since mid-January, I’ve been entrenched in what seems like a monster of a project: renovating the kitchen. In reality, though, it’s a lot more doable than it seems. I decided to refinish my cabinets, install a new light, paint the walls, install a new backsplash, install a new faucet, install new potracks and…

Starting the Kitchen Renovation

Hi friends! Today I’m going to give you a glimpse into our current life. At New Years I decided to tackle a kitchen renovation (insert terrified remarks by my husband now). As you can see, there was nothing terribly wrong with our kitchen when we moved in. The cabinets had been updated at some point,…