Updating Your Breakfast Bar

Updating Your Breakfast Bar

Do you have a breakfast bar in your home that’s just kind of blah? Maybe you were really excited to have one, but when you moved in, it quickly became the place the junk mail lived and you left your keys every day, and you never actually used it for its real purpose? If so,…

How to Make Your Home Rental Ready

How to Make Your Home Rental Ready

Converting your home to a rental property can be a very profitable long-term financial decision, if done properly. Trust me, I know–my parents have been renting homes for 25+ years and encouraged me to do the same. I’ve now owned two rental properties (a condo and a duplex). But, before listing your home and signing…

Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets: Before You Start

Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets: Before You Start

Hi friends! Since mid-January, I’ve been entrenched in what seems like a monster of a project: renovating the kitchen. In reality, though, it’s a lot more doable than it seems. I decided to refinish my cabinets, install a new light, paint the walls, install a new backsplash, install a new faucet, install new potracks and…