How to Seal Your Butcher Block

How to Seal Your Butcher Block

Active Time Needed: 3 hours Total Time Needed (Allowing for Drying): 3 days for drying +30 days of cure time Cost: $50 if you already own a sander; $100 if you need to buy a random orbit sander Help Needed?: Nope. You can do this project solo. Difficulty: Beginner (you’ll use a sander and be…

How to Install Shiplap for Beginners

How to Install Shiplap for Beginners

Active Time: 2 hours to install shiplap + 2 hours for painting (but will depend on your space) Total Time: 1 day Cost: Totally dependent on the amount of shiplap you need to buy and if you need to buy the power tools. This cost me $100–$60 in shiplap and $40 in paint. Help Needed?:…

Updating Your Breakfast Bar

Updating Your Breakfast Bar

Do you have a breakfast bar in your home that’s just kind of blah? Maybe you were really excited to have one, but when you moved in, it quickly became the place the junk mail lived and you left your keys every day, and you never actually used it for its real purpose? If so,…

Choosing Plants for your Garden

Choosing Plants for your Garden

Do you ever walk into your local hardware or garden store, see all the amazing plants and colorful flowers, and feel completely overwhelmed and leave with nothing? Or, walk out with $100 in flowers that don’t actually make sense for your garden? I hope your answer is yes, because I’ve done both of these several…

How to Replace a Light Fixture

How to Replace a Light Fixture

Active Time: 1 hour Total Time: 1 hour Cost: $30 + the cost of your new light fixture Help Needed?: Yes and no. If you’ve done this before and are replacing a lightweight light, you probably can do this on your own. If it’s your first time, or the light is heavy, I’d have a…