About Me

Hi! I’m Lauren, a nurse practitioner-turned-amateur DIYer. My DIY projects started with our first home–a 1950s duplex in Northern Virginia that was in decent shape when we bought it, but definitely needed some love and elbow grease to make it more our style. After a few years and many projects, we’re now onto our next adventure–a new construction home in Charleston, South Carolina, while being landlords to our Northern Virginia duplex.
I started this site to empower women (and men!) to tackle projects, big and small, around your house, from painting a room and changing out a door knob to doing a complete kitchen renovation. In each post, I’ll provide step by step instructions (and pictures) on how I completed a project around my house. I’ll discuss tips I learned while doing it and also share the mistakes I made (so you can hopefully avoid them).
I also have sections on navigating the new construction process, as well as how to manage a rental property. I’m excited to get to work with you!
Our Duplex When We Moved InNew Home Coming Soon!