The Ultimate Deep Cleaning Checklist to Start the New Year Off Right!

Happy New Year friends! I hope you had a lovely holiday season. Are you ready for a fresh start to the New Year for your home? Then get ready for my Ultimate Deep Cleaning Checklist!

While this view soothes my soul, it took me 3 hours to get the kitchen looking like this.

The Holidays Are Over. . .

I don’t know about you, but when I decide I’m done with holiday decor after Christmas, I’M DONE. All of sudden instead of feeling cozy and comforting and happy, it just feels like clutter and mess. Sometimes that happens on December 27th, sometimes it’s January 5th, but it always happens.

And, when that feeling strikes, not only does everything have to go away RIGHT NOW, but I usually also start a deep clean of our home to kick off the new year with a fresh start for my home.

One of my favorite organization tools: our in drawer spice rack!

What Do I Mean By Deep Clean?

I mean deep clean.

Baseboards, fans, windows, wash curtains, clean blinds, go through toys and clothes and sell/donate what we don’t need.

I want everything as clean as it can be to start off the year.

Why? It’s two fold for me.

Number 1: January is usually a dreary month with cold, cloudy weather, still early nights, and few social plans. So, it’s the perfect time to focus on things indoors. If I can get all this done now, I don’t have to do some of the tasks during typical “spring cleaning” time when the weather starts to get nice. And, if I get busy or forget to stay on top of my cleaning during the year, I can at least feel good that I got it down in January.

Number 2: Clutter and mess makes my anxiety skyrocket and makes my productivity plummet. I can’t think when there’s mess everywhere.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had to learn to live with some level since I added a husband and 2 babies to my life. But, there still comes a breaking point where I can’t function in the mess and have to clean it up to get anything else done.

This is a very normal view in our home. But, it makes me a little bit crazier the longer it stays like that.

Let’s Dive Into the Ultimate Deep Cleaning Checklist

Ok. So, what’s on this ultimate deep cleaning checklist?

Everything that’s important to me to get cleaned and things that I can clean on my own. I don’t clean my own carpets or upholstery, so that’s not on there. But, pretty much everything else is.

And, home maintenance is a separate task for me. So, you won’t see things like paint touchups or caulk replacement on here.

Ready to get started?

Just fill out the form here, and you’ll get it sent straight to your inbox! And,

if you decide to tackle any of the projects, make sure to post and tag me on social @girlsguidetohomediy ! I’d love to cheer you on!

If you’re reading this and it’s not January and want to start now, go for it! Any time you get the motivation to clean your home is a good day in my books.

Who’ says a storage closet can’t also look pretty? I’m obsessed with how my storage closet turned out with a quick little weekend makeover.

Have Questions? Looking for Organizational Tips and Tricks?

Check out our posts The 5 Best Amazon Kitchen Organizers and The Ultimate Storage Closet Remodel!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post in the comments below! Or, you can always send a direct message to us at our Contact Us page.

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